România: Asociaţia Naţională a profesorilor pentru Elevi cu Deficienţe de Auz Vorgil Florea (ANPEDA Virgil Florea)
The National Association of Teachers of the Hearing Impaired Students – Virgil Florea promotes the educational interests of all hearing impaired children, young people and adults and the interests of teachers or other experts who work with hearing impaired people. We are working with teachers and other specialists for hearing children, deaf people, parents who have hearing impaired children, deaf parents who have hearing children, schools for hearing impaired children from country and other institutions that offer services for deaf people.
Supporting and promoting the development of the institutions, organizations and human resources of social assistance, educational assistance and psychological assistance or support and counseling services for the hearing impaired people, which have as purpose to ensure the quality of services.
- promoting high standards of competence and professional ethics;
- aiming at increasing the quality of didactic services by obtaining extra budgetary funds, by disseminating the information regarding the evolution of professional standards and new educational technologies, by promoting creativity, communication and critical spirit and also by renouncing at the anachronistic methods yet perpetuated in research and education;
- promoting a loyal and efficient partnership between all factors involved in providing educational services, recuperative, therapeutic and formation services through the entire life of hearing impaired people;
- correlating learning process throughout life of human resources involved in providing educational services, recuperative and therapeutic services for hearing impaired people with the needs of beneficiaries, with the evolution of professional and didactic technology standards and with the evolution of the performance indicators on national and international level;
- developing specific programs for hearing impaired people to increase their degree of socio-cultural and professional insertion and their quality of life.
Slovakia: Narodne komunikacne a informacne centrum nepocujucich a nedoslychavych v SR (NKIC NPND v SR)
The purpose of National Communication and Information Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Slovakia is gathering, processing and distribution of information, news and events for people with hearing impairment. We aim to give them accessible information in accessible communication formats.
Our organization collaborate with the organization "National Council of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Slovak Republic", which is umbrella organization of deaf and hard of hearing community, currently has 20 member organizations. We collaborate with all the special schools for the deaf in Slovakia and other stakeholders.
National Communication and Information Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Slovakia is working on making the information available for the deaf and hard of hearing in accessible formats. So, we have experience in working with of information technology to ensure that the information is processed in form of video recordings, which contains all three formats accessibility for hearing impaired - sound for those who have good hearing and usable residues; subtitles for the hard of hearing and Slovak Sign Language for the deaf. In this format, we process information and transmit them, for example, as a video-news. On this project is necessary to use this formats and bring for deaf and hard of hearing people information about the human rights which is it in life, what is basis on the our daily life in hearing society.
Turkey: Uluslararasi Buyuk Egitimciler Dernegi (UBED)
International Association of Great Educators was founded by a group of educators working in education field. The association consists of academics, educators and senior officials who work in general, special education and vocational education, training and rehabilitation. The association presents counselling and consultancy works and services together with academics, teachers, educators, counsellors, specialist on teaching special needs and inclusive education.
Contributing to development of Turkey in education, social and cultural fields, theorizing reformist approaches in education field and producing and running national and international projects in education including special education- both gifted and handicapped individuals- take place among the purposes of the association.
Apart from this, establishing affinity, respect, unity and solidarity between educators and those who set their hearts on education are among the other purposes of the association.
Working Areas of the Association
The Association does educational activities both in the country and abroad. With this aim it founds and runs educational institutions such as school, private teaching institutions, studies centre, various courses, preschool, creche, dormitories, lodgings, library, scientific research and development centres and university.
The Association gives guidance and counselling services with teachers, educational specialists, guidance specialists, special educational specialists and specialists from other occupational groups.
By devising national and international projects, it offers solutions for problems in education, culture and especially in special training and counselling and develops reformist approaches. It takes place in every project related with the foundational aim of the association as partner.
By organizing social and sportif contests among schools it contributes to the social and personal development of students.
It is engaged in all kinds of activities for the sake of international cooperation. It establishes, runs and publishes media organs such as newspaper, magazine, bulletin, brochure and book.
Poland: Centrum Edukacji i Wsparcia "RES-GEST"
Centrum Edukacji i Wsparcia „RES-GEST” (Center of Education and Support “RES-GEST”) is an organization devoted to deaf people and it was founded in 2001 in Rzeszów. Until 2014 the Centrum operated under the name of Sports Club for Deaf in Rzeszów. Main aims of the Centrum are: organizing and conducting educational, cultural, professional, social and medical support among deaf people and their families. The Centrum provides adaptation support to deaf people and others with hearing difficulties in many different aspects of life. Everyday we provide a sign language interpreter services, we help deaf people find a job, fill in the documents. We also organize courses of sign language and conducting a website for the deaf where they can find informations they need. On our website deaf people can see films translated into sign language.
RES-GEST accomplished following projects which meant to help the deafs:
"Głusi na Start" - the main aim of this project was raising vocational qualifications among 25 deaf persons. We organized practical classes and traineeships for them.
"Spółdzielnie Socjalne - Wsparcie dla osób niesłyszących" - this enterprise was co-financing with the resources from the European Social Fund. Thanks to this we managed to start three cooperative societies which are now administrating by deaf persons.
"Głusi na wybory" - the goal of this project was starting the first one electoral studio for the deafs in Poland. Thanks to this innovative effort deaf people can take part in elections.
"Podniesienie kompetencji ICT wśród osób niesłyszących" - one of main goals of this project was raising ICT qualifications of deaf persons. We made 30 instructional films which were transcribed into polish sign language and then we came out with these films on our website.
"The world of childhood through stories and sport" - this project was accomplished with the international cooperation within Lifelong Learning Program Grundtvig. The aim was to raise parental competencies by showing how to use tales and sport as the pedagogic instruments.
Furthermore RES-GEST runs the website On this website we are publishing educational films in pPolish Sign Language.
RES-GEST also promotes sport among deaf people. There are sports sections for deaf. In 2014, our football team was placed third in Polish Indoor Championships for the deaf, our volleyball was second in Old Boys National Tournament. We also have ski section, our player Mateusz Babiarz has won four gold medals in last two editions of Polish Slalom Championships. In the city of Rzeszow we also have volleyball and football tournaments for deaf people.
Germany: Gehörlosenverband Hamburg e.V. (GLVHH)
The Deaf Association of Hamburg is a self-help organisation and represents the interests of deaf and severely hard of hearing in Hamburg.
The Deaf Association of Hamburg takes the social, cultural and professional interests of some 2,000 deaf people in Hamburg and is committed to work with them to improve their living conditions. The main concerns of the Deaf Association of Hamburg are:
- Use of German Sign Language (DGS) in family, early intervention, school and work
- Expansion of interpretation services
- Advice and support for parents of deaf or severely hard of hearing infants that takes into account the psycho-social and linguistic aspects of child development
- Advice and information for the deaf and severely hard of hearing people
- improved access for the Deaf and severely hard of hearing the information society and the media cultural offerings
A total of approximately 900 deaf and severely hard of hearing are members in the Deaf Association. A board of 7 members, representatives of affiliated clubs, volunteers and a team full-time employee to the work of the Association charge.
We ...
... Are at home in the cultural and leisure center.
Here many events take place: senior group, parent-child fail, chess, bowling, theater performances, Christmas Bazaar, carnival, summer festival, German courses, sign language classes.
... Conduct an interpreter operations center.
This organizes the teaching of interpreting services and often also regulates the reimbursement.
... To provide counseling services.
For fixed opening hours, we offer consulting in psychosocial issues.
... Support the deaf and hard of hearing people in the inclusion in work, in cooperation with the government and agencies.
.... Afford public relations.
To be able to pass on information in the short term, the Deaf Association is represented on the Internet, sent information material and responds to questions about deafness and sign language.
... Do the youth work.
To assist young deaf people in their identity formation, we organize events for children and young deaf people.
... Teach German Sign Language (DGS).
In several steps, the deaf sign language instructors bring listeners (parents, friends, neighbors, co-workers, social workers, students, students and others) and hearing impaired people in the DGS.
... Offer German and English courses.
By grammar teaching in sign language deaf people can improve their German and English.
... Organize information evenings.
To provide a forum for the deaf, we invite speakers that allow presentations and discussions on various topics.
... Organize cultural events.
We organize theater evenings with Deaf theater groups from all over the world in our own cultural and recreational center and cooperate with hamburger theaters, so that their performances are interpreted into German sign language.